In January 2015 there will be a focus session during Physics@FOM Veldhoven on “Noncommutative Geometry of the Standard Model and beyond”.
Focus session F16 Noncommutative geometry of the standard model and beyond
Chair: Walter D. van Suijlekom
Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Time: 13:30-15:30
Room: 55-57
Geometric unification F16.01
Prof. Chamseddine , Ali (Beirut, Lebanon)
Abstract: I will show that noncommutative geometry provides an appealing framework for the unification of all fundamental interactions including gravity.
Scrutinizing the Higgs particle at the LHC: past and future F16.02 Jong , Paul de (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Abstract: The particle discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva, looks, feels and smells like the long-sought Higgs particle. However, as a fundamental spinless particle it would be unique in the Standard Model, and it has some properties that give cause to concerns. A number of alternative models predict Higgs particle properties different from those in the Standard Model, sometimes hugely different, sometimes only subtly different. We review the status of Higgs studies at the LHC and give an outlook to the LHC run starting in 2015.
Supersymmetry and noncommutative geometry F16.03
Dr. Beenakker , Wim (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Abstract: The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC in 2012 constitutes a milestone in particle physics, since it completes the theoretical framework of the extremely successful Standard Model of elementary particle physics. As such it has been perceived as the last missing piece of the puzzle that would allow us to fully understand the subatomic world. However, the Standard Model leaves many questions unanswered and over the years more and more cracks in its foundations have been revealed. This opens the door to physics beyond the Standard Model. After a general introduction to the concept of supersymmetry, I will explain why it can provide promising candidates for viable theories beyond the Standard Model. Subsequently I will discuss whether such a supersymmetric theory can be given a geometrical underpinning within the framework of noncommutative geometry.
Up to the Planck scale: symmetries of new physics and NCG F16.04
Prof.dr. Pallante , Elisabetta (Groningen, Netherlands)
Abstract: The question to be answered after the discovery of the Higgs boson is: What is the ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model of particle physics? There are sixteen orders of magnitude in energy, between the Fermi scale and the Planck scale, where new physics may reveal itself. The underlying symmetries of this new physics and their breaking patterns leave their imprint in the LHC experiments.
In light of the most recent LHC results, we discuss viable theoretical descriptions with a focus on nonsupersymmetric new physics and illustrate the implications of an underlying noncommutative geometry.