Monthly Archives: June 2021

New Master track Mathematical Physics in Nijmegen

Radboud University Nijmegen offers a new master track Mathematical Physics, preparing you for research in noncommutative geometry, quantum theory and/or mathematical general relativity.

The Mathematical Physics core track of the Master’s specialisation in Mathematics will bring you up-to-date in modern mathematical physics, and prepares you for research in one (or both) of the two great fundamental theories of physics, namely general relativity and quantum (field) theory.

The mathematical topics covered in this track also make sense as pure mathematics and are already very exciting as such – our interest lies both there, supported by our colleagues in pure and applied mathematics, and in applications to the frontiers of fundamental physics. In the latter direction, you may want to profit from the neighboring departments of astrophysics and high-energy physics, which offer their own Master’s specialisation in Particle and Astrophysics, from which you may take some electives. In any case, in mathematics you can choose from a wide range of courses specific to this track:

  • General background for all of Mathematical Physics: Differential Geometry, Symplectic Geometry, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
  • Mathematical General Relativity: Calculus of Variations, Nonlinear Wave Equations, Singularities and Black Holes
  • Quantum (Field) Theory: Poisson Geometry, Non-commutative Geometry, Operator Algebras, Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Theory

Writing your Master’s thesis allows you to specialise in a specific area based on your interests. The thesis is supervised by a staff member at the Mathematics department and can be combined with an internship. The Mathematics department has a well-established group in Mathematics physics.

Curriculum and courses

Please refer to the online course guide for further information about the study program.

More information

Please contact the student advisor for more information about the Applied Mathematics track.
