Online NCG day in honor of Walter van Suijlekom

In honor of Walter van Suijlekom’s recent appointment as a full professor of non-commutative geometry at Radboud University, the first such chair in the world, there will be an online conference on 10 December, at which a variety of top NCG people close to Walter will speak.

Here is the program (all times in CET):

Morning chair and opening: Klaas Landsman 
10:30-10:45: A brief history of NCG in the Netherlands
10:45-11:30 Alain Connes: Spectra and an unexpected geometry
11:30-12:15 Ali Chamseddine: Feynman rules for spectral action in compact form
12:15-13:15: Lunch break including informal talk by Walter van Suijlekom from 12:30-13:00 
Afternoon chair 1: Peter Hochs
13:15-14:00 Francesca Arici: Noncommutative spaces from symmetries: A focus on groupoids and SU(2)-subproduct systems
14:00-14:45 Jose Gracia-Bondia: Detective work in the recesses of the Standard Model
14:45-15:15 Tea break
 Afternoon chair 2: Bram Mesland
15:15-16:00 Teun van Nuland: Cyclic cocycles in one-loop corrections to the spectral action
16:00-16:45 Giovanni Landi: Hopf algebroids and noncommutative gauge transformations
16:45-17:00 Closing words by Walter 


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