Postdoc position at SISSA, Trieste

The Geometry and Mathematical Physics group of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) is offering 3 post-doctoral positions of 2+1 years, starting in the fall of 2015. The net salary is approximately 1800 euros a month for 12 months/year. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. when the fellowship will start and good record of research in the area of mathematics or mathematical physics where the group is active:

– Integrable Systems Hamiltonian PDEs and Random Matrices (ISRM)

– Geometry of strings and supersymmetric gauge theories (STRINGS)

– Noncommutative geometry (NCG)

The Geometry and Mathematical Physics Group consists of 9 faculty members (U.Bruzzo, B.Dubrovin, L.Darbowski, B.Fantechi, T.Grava, D.Guzzetti, A.Michelangeli, F.Perroni, A.Tanzini) about 25 Ph.D. students and about 7-8 post-docs. The successful candidates will have a travel allowance which is calculated every year according to budget availability. The successful candidate does not have teaching duties but he/she is expected to actively take part in the academic life of the group.

Apply here

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