The Mathematics Department of VUB invites applications for a PhD position financed through the FWO grant “Projective representations of compact quantum groups and quantizations of non-compact Lie groups”, under the scientific supervision of Prof. Kenny De Commer. The candidate will perform research in the areas of operator algebras and quantum groups, and will have a limited teaching assignment.
The starting date of the position will be October 1st 2015, for a period of 4 years. The research activity will take place at the Mathematics Department of the VUB, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels.
All candidates are requested to hold or be in the process of obtaining a masters degree in Mathematics or Physics, and are expected to have a strong interest in the areas of Operator Algebras, Representation theory and/or Special function theory.
Interested candidates should send an email containing CV, the contact details of one reference and a letter of motivation to
The application deadline is 12:00 pm of April 1st, 2015.