Assistant Professor of Mathematics (Tenure Track) (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Maximum salary: € 4,551 gross/month
Vacancy number: 62.27.15
Application deadline: 21 June 2015
As a tenure track assistant professor you will carry out research in one of the leading areas in mathematics, publish your work in scientific journals, and present your research at top national and international conferences.
You will teach courses on all levels of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Mathematics and contribute to mathematics service courses in other programmes. You will also actively contribute to the supervision of Bachelor’s and Master’s projects and be involved in organisational tasks within the institute.
We would value an open and outgoing attitude in relation to the interaction between the departments within the Faculty of Science, the recruitment of new students, and other outreach activities.
Work environment
The Faculty of Science (FNWI) at Radboud University is responsible for research and teaching in mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, and computer science. FNWI encompasses six research institutes, one of them being the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP). IMAPP’s main research areas are mathematics, astrophysics and high-energy physics, focusing on disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary approaches, and having close links to other research areas and institutes at the faculty and university. Mathematics at IMAPP is divided into three sections: Algebra and Topology, Mathematical Physics, and Applied Stochastics. These sections are active in the national mathematical research clusters DIAMANT, GQT and STAR, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Research in these three sections is characterised by coherence and synergy, while there are also interconnections with other research groups within IMAPP, FNWI and beyond. The Teaching Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy (WiNSt) is responsible for the teaching programmes in mathematics, physics and astronomy.
The mathematics branch within IMAPP currently has a vacancy for a tenure-track assistant professor who will be assigned to one of the sections within Mathematics according to his or her profile.
What we expect from you
– you hold a doctoral degree in mathematics and are an independent researcher;
– you have a proven track record of publishing in leading scientific journals and conferences;
– you are able to set up your own research programme and to attract external project funding;
– you have postdoctoral research experience, typically in an international context;
– your research ties in well with one or more of the research areas of the mathematics sections at IMAPP;
– you have excellent teaching skills, preferably some teaching experience, and you are able to offer a broad range of courses in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Mathematics, as well as service courses in mathematics for other programmes;
Candidates who are not sufficiently fluent in Dutch will be allowed to teach in English but should be willing and able to acquire the skills necessary to lecture in Dutch within two years.
What we have to offer
– employment: 1,0 fte;
– a maximum gross monthly salary of € 4,551 based on a 38-hour working week (salary scale 11);
– in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
– you will initially be appointed for a period of 6 years, An evaluation will take place within these 6 years as to whether you will be granted tenure;
– you will be classified as an Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).
Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions?
Other Information
In addition, applicants shoud include names of at least three referees, including one competent to comment on your teaching skills.
Would you like to know more?
Further information on: Mathematics
Dr. Bernd Souvignier, chair of selection committee
Telephone: +31 24 3653225
Are you interested?
You should upload your application (attn. of ms. W. van der Pluijm) via the Radboud University webpage. Your application should include (and be limited to) the following attachments:
- Letter of motivation
- CV